Cubic WMS

Cubic WMS

Cubic WMS is a Warehouse Management System with more than 15 years of experience in automating logistics processes. Our Implementation Team is ready to start the digital transformation of your Warehouse, achieving great results in savings and optimizations from the first weeks. Generate value to your business by empowering your logistics with Cubic WMS; Contact us to schedule a demo and get a free Logistics GAP Analysis to evaluate the maturity level of your Warehouse.

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Solutions for everyone

CubicWMS is an adaptable logistics platform for companies of all sizes and budgets through Light, Pro and Enterprise versions.

Easy Implementation

Implement quickly in Cloud mode or on your Servers (on-premise) according to your needs.


Think of Optimize, connecting workflows, Invoice in your ERP and manage warehouse picking automatically, eliminate re-processes and save costs.

Mobile apps

Use your Cell Phone or Mobile Devices with Bar Code Reader, Easy, Fast and Intuitively.

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Picking and Order Preparation.

One of the most important activities in a warehouse is order picking, a task that demands the most resources in the distribution center. Cubic WMS efficiently optimizes this activity with its RadioFrequency Mobile Application on Android which directs the operator to each product location in a logical sequence that minimizes time and movements, reducing the process time by up to 40%.

Picking and Order Preparation.

After Picking, perform the Packing process, establishing dimensions and weights of the package, generate labels for boxes and packing lists, automatically notify customers of your shipment by e-mail or whatsapp. Verify one by one your products by reading barcodes and confirm order quantities automatically. With Cubic WMS integrate conveyors through API’s, and control the life cycle of your shipment automatically, automatically generate waybills as well as the delivery traceability and fulfillment of the conveyor. Improve your customer satisfaction in the delivery times of your products and unify your customer service management system.

OMS Order Management System

Order Management System OMS or Cubic WMS Order Management System allows to integrate ERP systems or E-Commerce Platforms to automatically receive all sales documents that must be enlisted and delivered in the shortest possible time, reaching the Picking process online. Empower your sales force with our Android Mobile Application for Order Management, which generates the Picking task in the Warehouse at the moment of confirmation, improving delivery times and sending to your ERP the invoice order as soon as it is ready.

Warehousing and Product Location Control

Space is a resource that must be handled efficiently in a warehouse. Cubic WMS performs an automatic Slotting process, determining the optimal location of products based on their rotation. In the Layout Management you can configure your storage spaces, indicating dimensions, access sequence, zone and location name, generating a Barcode or QR label to identify it. The software automatically controls occupied and available locations, manages directed storage, optimizing the routes of the picking process, and automatically controls the storage of your products.

Product Receipt Verification

Perform product verification processes in an efficient way with the Cubic WMS Andriod application, manage lots and serial numbers at the time of receipt in the warehouse, take pictures for the product catalog or events on the logistics process such as breakdowns. Generate LPN License Plate Number labels for identification of products and loading units, such as boxes or pallets, keeping the traceability of their arrival at the warehouse, movements, operators, greatly improving the operational efficiency and traceability in the warehouse.

Pictures of Reference Master and Logistics Events

Cubic WMS allows you to take pictures from your Andriod Mobile App and upload them to the online database, which allows great versatility in the Warehouse. Create product catalogs from the Warehouse and share them with the sales force or record events with photographs such as breakdowns, evidence of receipt or dispatch of products. In receipt verification processes, establish quality control approval flows based on photographs at the time of receipt, at the time of dispatch, images are essential for traceability.

Automatic Notifications Logistic Process

Cubic WMS has a powerful notification engine, which can be parameterized for each event that occurs in the warehouse. The WMS notifies about upcoming expiration of lots, inbound and outbound movements in the warehouse, products with the highest turnover, photos of logistics events and many more. Notifications can be sent to previously parameterized emails or automatic WhatsApp messages according to the events, increasing productivity and coordination capabilities of the logistics process to unimaginable levels.

Physical Inventories

The physical inventory process is the main control challenge in the warehousing process, with Cubic WMS perform the inventory of warehouses and stores easily from the Android Mobile App. Perform the inventory conciliation automatically and in real time, managing counts, people in charge, product locations, etc. Perform cyclic and rotating inventories, reduce the risk of product shortages, measure the accuracy in the logistics management in the warehouse with Cubic WMS.

Logistics Process Measurement Dashboard

Measuring allows us to improve, Cubic WMS generates valuable information for decision making on the Warehouse process, such as products with higher rotation, Picking statistics, Processed Units, Operational Times, Occupied and Available Spaces, etc. It also registers times and movements per operator in each activity, the operators when perceiving the logistic measurement immediately compete to show their management, receiving the return of investment of Cubic WMS in a Warehouse focused on productivity.

TMS Shipping Online Delivery

Control your deliveries with Cubic TMS Transport Management System and get a total traceability of your shipments, manage fleet, crew, sales documents, loading of vehicles with fully identified shipments, with barcode reading, which allows a shipment control per vehicle. From the vehicle in motion, organize the route, at the moment of arriving at the first destination, select the package in the Android Mobile Application, which indicates the part number, confirms the box by reading the barcode, takes a photo of the signed document and updates the load fulfillment online. Check the progress of the vehicles on route and get alerts of deviations in the KPI’s Management Indicators and Operational Goals.

Inventory management

Cubic WMS performs the Stock Management by defining the Minimum Stock and Maximum Stock for each reference in the Warehouse process, in this way when a product reaches the Minimum threshold, the WMS generates an automatic notification via e-mail or whatsapp to the purchasing process, to schedule the administrative management of procurement and avoid stock out or stock rupture avoiding losses to the company. Another configuration in the Stock Management is to manage intensive picking locations so that these are kept supplied by the operators of the products with the highest rotation, in this way the replenishment of stocks is local, internal in the warehouse.

WMS Integrated ERP Siesa SAP

The integration between Siesa WMS and SAP WMS allows to optimize the logistic flows and its interaction with the Warehouse, making order enlistments from the mobile device with radio frequency in real time, with zero paper and zero errors. Currently any ERP can be integrated with CubicWMS, it is required to define the structure of data exchange, frequency, process and communications technology. Our engineering team can advise you on how to digitally transform your warehouse by processing more orders per minute. Integrate your ERP with WMS and process orders in less time, improving delivery times to your customers.

40% Increase in Storage Capacity
0 %
Up to a 30% Reduction in Handling Operations
0 %
Eliminates Up to 99% of Errors
0 %

Cubic Sotfware

CubicWMS understands your business and with more than 15 years of experiencia in the logistics sector, we have a group of consultants with extensive experience in warehouse management and distribution centers, with a clear vision in measurement and therefore process optimization. Establishing a maturity model with a GAP-type analysis against best and current practices, allows us to build together a clear path of what aspects to address that generate greater impact on your company.


In today’s dynamic omni-channel economy, companies with warehouse processes require robust, ready-to-use logistics solutions that are easy and cost-effective.

Our CubicWMS warehouse management system is a software solution that provides complete visibility of a company’s inventory and manages warehouse operations, aligning its supply chain with demand management.

With the implementation of CubicWMS we can bring the storage of your products to the best practices of the industry, to align your warehouse with your business objectives and make it a good business for you; Contact us to have the pleasure of working on solutions for your processes.

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